So, I’ve referenced this several times. I’ve published a book, The Killer and Boyd Burgess, and I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback about it so far. It is extremely exciting to work so hard on something and for it to be well received.
Now that I’ve said that, I need to let you all know something about me. I believe that we battle a real enemy every day of our lives. I believe that the same Satan that attempted to tempt Jesus in the desert is at war with us, especially when we are on the right track. I give him credit too. As I look around and see the number of lives destroyed each day and I watch how easily people are side tracked with useless tasks that prevent them from accomplishing their purpose, I know that this enemy is far from lazy. In fact, I would say that the Satan that I’m referring too works relentlessly to cause us doubt, misery, pain, suffering, poverty and loss. I say all of that, because today, I feel like I am at war with him, and maybe I’m losing.
I work in a hospitality facility. I have no desire to tell you which facility this is or disclose any of the names affiliated with it. Just know that this is a real place of business. I have worked at this establishment for the better part of 4 years, and I knew when I took the job that there would always be inherent headaches involved. (side note: The American way is to work people more for less, with fewer benefits, higher taxes, worse insurance, and less appreciation…I think headaches are inherent in every job). I started writing this book that I keep referencing in the middle of 2012. For the month I was working on the book, I was excited, positive, motivated, energized, and best of all, I had a lot of time! Then I finished.
I’ll skip ahead to the beginning of 2013. A chance interaction with a guest at my establishment in early 2013 renewed a passion for this story that had escaped me for sometime. The passion had left because much of what was going on around me had stolen my time, my joy, and my self-confidence. The interaction with this guest motivated me to get back to my story and to get it published. In telling her about it, she said it was a story that needed to be told.
Since then, I have had a total revolving door of staff. Every piece of equipment in my facility has broken, been replaced, and broken again. I’ve worked short staffed for months forcing me to cover departments and shifts like never before, our company has gone through a stressful ownership change with every process, function, and benefit reverting back to ground zero. I have issues in my house that cannot be fixed without a complete renovation that I really cannot afford, a banker be rude to me regarding the loan that I was trying to get to do the necessary work, the city around me that I’ve grown to love is laying hundreds of people off every week and panic is starting to set in. Even the church that I attend has been in flux and turmoil. I am trying my best to avoid specifics as I do not want to cross any lines of appropriateness, but I’ll just tell you, my 2013 could be a best selling novel in and of itself. The scary thing is, the things that have gone on are so out of the ordinary that people would never accept that all of this could really be happening in the life of just 1 person. I think you get the point that I’m making.
Just in case it’s still not clear what I’m saying, let me expound. I have no doubt that the enemy is out to kill and destroy, seeking whom he may devour, just like my Bible says he will do. But as I write this I realize something that makes me excited. If there wasn’t something positive on the horizon from me and my story, the enemy, Satan, would never bother coming after me. If I wasn’t getting close, he would leave me alone, but he hasn’t. How exciting? Even more exciting is the trump card. In spite of every frustrating thing that has happened and continues to go on, I have a savior that loves me and is willing to fight for me. I have a savior that will carry me through this storm. Jesus wasn’t tempted in the desert. He overcame Satan. I’ll steal a line from my dad, “I’ve cheated and looked at the end of the book and we win!” So even though I’m stressed, frustrated, beaten down and feel like I’m losing, Jesus loves me! I know that I’m on the verge of something big! I know when the enemy tries to destroy the positive things in your life, turn to my savior because he doesn’t just love me…He loves you too!
P.S. My wife didn't have time to proofread this for me, so if there are mistakes, just forgive me. Sometimes I work without my editor :)
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